Friday, April 16, 2010

Today and Next Week.

Okay guys minggu depan aku sudah nak final for semester 2. Weh! cuak la dow! Hmm, carrymarks aku banyak yang tak tahu lagi so aku tak tahulah fianl macam mana nanti. Tapi aku happy sebab most of my test marks aku dapat above half meaning that if markah per 100%, aku dapat mcm half or more than half and ada yang aku dapat FULL! Unbelievable kan? Aku macam tak percaya jugak tapi yelah mungkin sebab soalan test tu memang senang kot, masakan tak, kalau mostly kawan aku dapat full and also sipi sipi full. So kawan kawan ucap tahniah pada diri sendiri okay?

Okay now we talk about today okay. Herm, what did i do for this entirely-boring-hot till night day Oh ya! NOTHING! Herh aku teramat bosan okay. Although i have so many to study but still i did nothing. If i were to go out for fun in Segamat, yes! Segamat still the day would be boring. I think there should be a place in Segamat where teenagers can do fun things like erm what arr? i guess this should be your to-do assignments. Haha! Entahla weh, aku pun dah tak tahu apa ak cakap. Ah, Sungguh pathetic nye aku. Okay lah, Bye aku nak layan mandi sekejap, nak berangan mandi dekat Iceland. Mungkin boleh legakan kepanasan terlampau yang melanda well mostly the entire world. Ciao.
*lalala, aku pakai sabun scrub aprikot tau, wangi tak? elelele, tipu kau kat alam maya jer, mana boleh bau ;)*